Eight Nations Alliance 2.0 Won’t Defeat The Boxer Rebellion This Time

Eight Nations Alliance 2.0 Won’t Defeat The Boxer Rebellion This Time. The new Interparliamentary Alliance On China has a fancy name and that’s about it. 八國聯盟2.0這次不會打敗義和團了。新的中國問題議會間聯盟有一個很奇特的名字,僅此而已 By MARIO CAVOLO JUN 27 2024

No surprise we have more drama between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea. Don’t forget what’s actually happening, it is the Philippines who is trying to break the decades long status quo and come hell on the high waters, China is not ever going to let that happen. Let’s talk about what’s really going on and where the responsibility lies for making all the waves on the high seas.

In particular we need to ask if we have a rather farcical repeat of the historical Eight Nation Alliance way back in 1900 formed also to suppress and interfere with China. Chinese well remember that old imperialist coalition, formed at the start of the 20th century to gang up on China when it was down, this was on the heels of Britain starting the Opium Wars and Japan’s attacks to take over the mainland as well.

Well, here we go again with IPAC, we need to suppress China, contain China, weaken China and its allies which continues flying high developing across the globe, with GDP growth double any other nation, dominating world trade & manufacturing with a 30% share, more than all the G7 countries combined. Well, I have news for you. Its too late. China is winning and if you hadn’t noticed yet, this is China’s century whether you or me or anyone likes it or not.

A variety of China observers have derided the newly founded Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), formed by a group of Western lawmakers calling it a farce aiming to just create more anti-China drama in the west. Indeed its just more of the same, similar to what the Congressional Uyghur Forced Labor Act does, created to both excuses to demonize China and to create new restrictive laws limiting Chinese companies who are based in Xinjiang all based on a fake, evidence free accusation that there is forced labor of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. There isn’t. It’s a joke, a pathetic political propaganda joke. You’ll notice they never hassle or talk about or target the foreign brand companies who are also doing business in Xinjiang.

Well, while some of these actions and sanctions do cause damage to China and Chinese companies in the short term, China will not allow itself to be bullied again, we are way past being in another Century of Humiliation. The formation of this newly founded IPAC thing also reminds me of AUKUS where $60 billion worth of U.S. nuclear submarines won’t ever get delivered to Australia. This new alliance against China, another one, was spearheaded by several lawmakers, no surprise, by none other than Senator Marco Rubio. The list of participating nations includes the US, Germany, UK, Japan, Australia, Canada as well as some members of the European Parliament. These are the same folks who stood up in an empty UK Parliament room to declare “There’s a genocide happening in China. Cuz we said so.” Except again, no there isn’t.

This is Reminiscent of the story of the Boxer Rebellion period which came to a head in China around June 1900 when the The “Eight-Nation Alliance” brought 20,000 armed troops into China. They were up against the Empress Dowager Cixi who issued an imperial decree which was a defacto declaration of war against the invading powers who ultimately defeated the Boxers. Nasty as they were, the foreign interlopers looted and pillaged Beijing and other cities along the way.

Fast forward to today, it’s a new and different world and a new and different China, isn’t it?

The Philippines’ is playing a dangerous game in the South China Sea. Let me explain. Whether you want to believe it or not, there is ZERO question that China has the proper territorial and sovereign rights to the area of the South China Sea the Philippines with the support of the United States is whipping up trouble over. The maritime Declaration of Conduct is already done. The maritime Code of Conduct has not been signed yet and that is what the Philippines is preventing. It is the Philippines who is trying to change the status quo in the South China Sea which has existed for decades going all the way back to the 1900s, to the Potsdam declaration, to the Treaty of Spain with the United States, all of which lays out crystal clear that the Spratlys, the Thomas Shoal, Huangyan Dao, Renai Jiao…none of it belongs to or ever belonged to the Philippines. Much like Taiwan, this is a matter that China will absolutely not back down on and the United States is well aware of this. In 1946, it was even the United States who reminded the Philippines that the Spratlys belonged to China.

Now with all this fuss going on, let me help you understand what might happen in this South China Seas mess. My answer? Nothing much. Its just a highly visible political circus and it creates a way for the United States to criticize and demonize China as part of its endless propaganda campaign to contain and weaken China.

Does the United States dare to put U.S. troops on the ground fighting in Ukraine? No. Does the United States dare to put U..S. troops on the ground fighting in Gaza? No. They certainly are not going to put U.S. troops on the ground to fight against the Chinese coast guard, are they? Of course not. The U.S. loves to disrupt, in fact that’s their strategy, to disrupt, to create chaos, to contain and weaken other nations. This is nothing new, but nobody including the U.S. wants war over such matters with China. Every expert you ask tells us that same message.

For the United States, its too late, there is way too much to lose. The U.S. cannot afford the incredible damage that would happen. They would never dare to put U.S. boots on the ground that kill Chinese and they sure as hell wouldn’t do it over the derelict shipwreck sitting on Thomas Shoal. Well, take it as you will, that’s my explanation of what’s going on and you’re welcome to share other points of view in the comments section or on my Twitter post feed.

I am quite certain that every single time Philippine vessels intentionally intrude into China’s territory in the South China Sea, (note please, there is no such thing as the West Philippine Sea. It really doesn’t exist) I am sure China’s Coast Guard will continue to do its job as any Coast Guard would do, performing its duties in accordance with the law and successfully preventing provocative acts to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea. Every sovereign coast guard we can think of will board your vessel if after several warnings you have not complied with what they asked you to do.

After the most recent incident on June 17th, In response, the United States and new eight countries alliance including France, Germany, and Japan followed the United States’ footsteps and collectively exerted diplomatic pressure on China, trying to use the “South China Sea Arbitration Case” to pressure China. This is just more political theatre. As I’ve said, UNCLOS was not binding, was an opinion, does not supercede previous established treaties, has no legal basis and has been ignored by several countries not just China.

China’s position is well known to the United States and its allies. There is ZERO room for discussion on the South China Seas based on well known historical facts and as in all other conflicts, China only calls for diplomacy and discussion to settle matters peacefully same as they have called for regarding Ukraine and the Israel – Gaza war.

These same countries sing the same song of the so called U.S. “rules-based international order.”. Well, countries all over the world through ASEAN and BRICS have other ideas about how to cooperate with one another without war and how to govern their own countries as they see fit. Of course its easy to understand that the politicians of these countries are often playing the stage to pander to their voters in the ballot box, especially in the United States where we have a contentious Presidential Election coming up this November.

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