KTSF TV News Video: It is not very helpful to the parties at the crime scene

KTSF TV News Video: It is not very helpful to the parties at the crime scene, those who are not on the street and are thinking of going out on the street can use the information to avoid the crime scene or crime infested areas.


Maybe I can describe it this way, like the GPS in the car, it can warn you an accident already happened 1-2 miles away, and provide you with alternative routes, but if you are at the scene of the accident, you can’t get away at all. You are stuck.

The worst part is with the App might gave people the false sense of security to let their guards down.

The fundamental problem with high crimes need to go back to the roots, too many guns, police don’t walk the streets, no face recognition cameras like those in London, New York or China.

對當事人並沒有大的幫助, 對非當事人, 那些不在街上還正想出街的人來說是可以提供一點有用信息.

我或者可以這樣形容, 就像車上的GPS, 可以預告1-2哩外已經有意外發生, 提供你其他選擇路線, 但如果你在意外現場你根本就跑不掉.


高犯罪率的根本問題需要回到根源,槍支太多,警察不上街坐在冷氣車裡, 沒有像倫敦、紐約或中國那樣遍佈人臉識別攝像頭.

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